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⚠️ Warning

Fine-tuning OpenAI models via their API may take too long, so please be patient. Also, bear in mind that in some cases you just won't need to fine-tune an OpenAI model for your task.

To keep track of all the models you fine-tuned, you should visit, and then in the "Daily usage breakdown (UTC)" you'll need to select the date where you triggered the fine-tuning and click on "Fine-tune training" to see all the fine-tune training requests that you sent.

Besides that, in the OpenAI Playground at, you'll see a dropdown menu for all the available models, both the default ones and the ones you fine-tuned. Usually, in the following format <MODEL>:ft-personal-<DATE>, e.g. ada:ft-personal-2021-03-01-00-00-01.

Last update: 2023-05-01
Created: 2023-05-01