
  • safejax is a Python package to easily serialize JAX (Flax, Haiku, or Objax) model params using safetensors as the tensor-storage format.

  • serving-pytorch-models is a detailed guide on how to set up and deploy TorchServe to expose an inference API for a pre-trained PyTorch CNN.

  • serving-tensorflow-models is a detailed guide on how to set up and deploy TensorFlow Serving to expose an inference API for a pre-trained TensorFlow CNN.

  • tensorflow-serving-streamlit is a streamlit application to showcase how to deploy tensorflow-serving and send requests to it from a UI. It uses the same model and configuration as serving-tensorflow-models.

  • understanding-resnet is a PyTorch implementation of ResNet V1 in PyTorch with ported weights from timm and some notes I took for educational/learning purposes.

  • ml-monitoring-with-wandb is a detailed guide on how to train a PyTorch model using PyTorch Lightning and monitoring it using Weights & Biases (wandb).


  • investpy is a Python package to retrieve data from It used to support all the financial products available at, but in late 2022, protected their APIs with Cloudflare V2, so sadly this is no longer working…

  • investiny is a simpler, faster, and better-coded version of investpy, that I developed when the former package was blocked, and I got it working for some weeks, but later it was also blocked. AFAIK it still works if you send a few requests a day, otherwise, you’ll get blacklisted and blocked from sending requests to

  • trendet is a simple Python package to detect trends in time series data. It works with pandas as well as with investpy as it’s directly integrated with it. Note that now it does not work with investpy anymore due to the blocking from, but it does still work with any time series in pandas.DataFrame.


  • python-package-template is a Python package template using pyproject.toml, hatch, pre-commit, black, ruff, and mkdocs.


  • wandbfsspec is a fsspec interface for Weights & Biases (wandb) files and artifacts.