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🤔 Why safejax?

safetensors defines an easy and fast (zero-copy) format to store tensors, while pickle has some known weaknesses and security issues. safetensors is also a storage format that is intended to be trivial to the framework used to load the tensors. More in-depth information can be found at huggingface/safetensors.

jax uses pytrees to store the model parameters in memory, so it's a dictionary-like class containing nested jnp.DeviceArray tensors.

dm-haiku uses a custom dictionary formatted as <level_1>/~/<level_2>, where the levels are the ones that define the tree structure and /~/ is the separator between those e.g. res_net50/~/intial_conv, and that key does not contain a jnp.DeviceArray, but a dictionary with key value pairs e.g. for both weights as w and biases as b.

objax defines a custom dictionary-like class named VarCollection that contains some variables inheriting from BaseVar which is another custom objax type.

flax defines a dictionary-like class named FrozenDict that is used to store the tensors in memory, it can be dumped either into bytes in MessagePack format or as a state_dict.

There are no plans from HuggingFace to extend safetensors to support anything more than tensors e.g. FrozenDicts, see their response at huggingface/safetensors/discussions/138.

So the motivation to create safejax is to easily provide a way to serialize FrozenDicts using safetensors as the tensor storage format instead of pickle, as well as to provide a common and easy way to serialize and deserialize any JAX model params (Flax, Haiku, or Objax) using safetensors format.

Last update: 2023-01-19
Created: 2023-01-19