1. Introduction
  2. Why safejax?
  3. Usage
  4. More information


From google/jax, “JAX is Autograd and XLA, brought together for high-performance machine learning research.”.

JAX tensors formatted as pytrees can be loaded using numpy and pickle to store the tree structure in pickle and the tensors using numpy, but there’s no unified way of doing so. Also, pickle is not safe, that’s why, among other multiple reasons, HuggingFace created huggingface/safetensors.

The only JAX framework that contains a built-in serialization format is google/flax which uses MessagePack and State Dict.

But it also contains some drawbacks such as no layout control to enable lazy loading, which is useful in distributed environments.

So on, safetensors is a complete and unified format for storing tensors for torch, jax/flax, and tensorflow. See the table below from huggingface/safetensors:

Format Safe Zero-copy Lazy loading No file size limit Layout control Flexibility Bfloat16
pickle (PyTorch)
H5 (Tensorflow) ~ ~
SavedModel (Tensorflow)
MsgPack (flax)
Protobuf (ONNX)
Cap’n’Proto ~ ~
Arrow ? ? ? ? ? ?
Numpy (npy,npz) ? ?

That’s the main reason why I decided to create safejax, to easily provide a Python package to serialize and deserialize JAX (Flax, Haiku, and Objax) model params using safetensors as the tensor-storage format.

Why safejax?

jax uses pytrees to store the model parameters in memory, so it’s a dictionary-like class containing nested jnp.DeviceArray tensors.

dm-haiku uses a custom dictionary formatted as <level_1>/~/<level_2>, where the levels are the ones that define the tree structure and /~/ is the separator between those e.g. res_net50/~/intial_conv, and that key does not contain a jnp.DeviceArray, but a dictionary with key-value pairs e.g. for both weights as w and biases as b.

objax defines a custom dictionary-like class named VarCollection that contains some variables inheriting from BaseVar which is another custom objax type.

flax defines a dictionary-like class named FrozenDict that is used to store the tensors in memory, it can be dumped either into bytes in MessagePack format or as a state_dict.

So the motivation to create safejax is to easily provide a way to serialize FrozenDict, VarCollection, and Dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray] using safetensors as the tensor storage format instead of pickle, as well as to provide a common and easy way to serialize and deserialize.


  • Convert params to bytes:
from safejax import serialize, deserialize

encoded_bytes = serialize(params)
decoded_params = deserialize(encoded_bytes)
  • Convert params to bytes in params.safetensors file
from safejax import serialize, deserialize

encoded_bytes = serialize(params, filename="./params.safetensors")
decoded_params = deserialize("./params.safetensors")

There are also some framework-specific functions:

  • from safejax.flax import serialize, deserialize
  • from safejax.objax import serialize, deserialize
  • from safejax.haiku import serialize, deserialize

Those functions handle the specific cases where the input is not at Dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray], but a VarCollection in objax or a FrozenDict in flax.

More information

More information can be found at alvarobartt/safejax.